Join the choir
We are an auditioned choir of around 35 singers. We perform some challenging music, often unaccompanied, to a very high standard. The choir is unlikely to suit someone without significant previous choral experience and a good level of sight reading.
Vacancies are not always available in all voice parts. Where there is a vacancy, potential new members are invited to attend rehearsals for a week or two and then to undertake a short audition with the Musical Director. This would involve bringing a short piece of your choice that fits your voice range, and then some vocal exercises and sight reading. If there is no vacancy in your part we would retain your contact details with your permission and contact you should a vacancy become available.
We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 8-10pm at St Martin’s Infants’ School in Epsom. Concerts are usually held at St Martin’s Church, Epsom, around the end of October, December, the end of March and the end of June. Occasionally there are additional performances such as weddings or cathedral services which we would encourage you to attend. Members pay an annual subscription, currently £220.
Please contact our Chair, Karan Humphries, using the form below.